National Student Clearinghouse: COVID-19 Special Analysis Update

This National College Progression Rates Report provides new fall 2020 college enrollment rate estimates for recent high school graduates. Their preliminary results published in December 2020 have been updated with the addition of approximately 50 percent more data from high schools and colleges in this report.

Education in a Pandemic: The Disparate Impacts of COVID-19 on America’s Students

This Report from the US Department of Education tells part of a developing story by offering a series of snapshots from mid-March 2020, when many schools  shifted abruptly to remote learning, to mid-April 2021. This developing story prompts eleven observations about how widely—and inequitably—the pandemic appears to have impacted America’s students during this time.  The …

Latest Enrollment Information: National Student Clearinghouse Research Center’s Regular Updates on Higher Education Enrollment

Stay Informed with the Latest Enrollment Information from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center’s Regular Updates on Higher Education Enrollment. Recognizing the urgency of COVID-19’s impact on students and institutions, the Research Center’s Stay Informed series tracks outstanding college enrollment trends in near real-time during the COVID-19 era. It delivers enrollment data dashboards each term, …

Ensuring Successful Student Transitions from the Middle Grades to High School

Review this resource for District and State level leaders: Ensuring Successful Student Transitions from the Middle Grades to High School. It outlines research on the importance and impact the 9th grade year can have on a student HS graduation possibilities as well as how states can strategically fund programs and services to help make the transition supportive for …

Getting to Work on Summer Learning Recommended Practices for Success

Rand’s second edition Getting to Work on Summer Learning provides recommendations for district leaders and their partners who are interested in launching or improving summer learning programs    Key suggestion: Commit in the fall to a summer program and begin planning and recruiting instructors by January.

Session Structure for High-Dosage Tutoring from the National Student Support Accelerator

Similar to classroom instruction, tutoring sessions should be carefully planned, proactive and relate to the grade-level content students are learning in the classroom. Help leaders guide tutors to have consistent structure and flow in their tutoring session design using this exemplar tutoring session structure from the National Student Support Accelerator.  

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