Identifying Barriers: Creating Solutions to Improve Family Engagement

“This project began with a forthright question. Amidst racism, historical trauma, poverty, unstable neighborhoods, and systemic inequities in education, what will it take for nondominant students, families, and their communities to thrive? he Family Leadership Design Collaborative (FLDC) is a national network of scholars, practitioners, and family and community leaders who seek to center racial …

Fostering Family Engagement through Shared Leadership in The District, Schools, and Community

In this ethnographic case study, Ann M. Ishimaru examines how a collaboration emerged and evolved between a low-income Latino parent organizing group and the leadership of a rapidly changing school district. Using civic capacity and community organizing theories, Ishimaru seeks to understand the role of parents, goals, strategies, and change processes that characterize a school …

Family Engagement Matters

Students do better in school and in life when their families are engaged. A strong body of evidence is clear that family engagement, from birth through adolescence, contributes to a range of positive student outcomes.

Challenging Assumptions Reflection Tool

This tool is to spark a conversation about how our assumptions can influence our actions. Use it to examine ways in which we can question ourselves or others when biased or negative beliefs about families emerge.

Dismantling Adultism Toolkit: How to Build & Maintain a Youth-Centered Organization

This toolkit was designed by youth leaders in New Orleans, LA, to present actionable strategies for organizations to elevate youth voices. The toolkit includes an organizational assessment tool, scorecard, and action template for organizations and districts to understand their own progress toward elevating youth voices and make a plan to improve.

Family Engagement Lab

Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) engages, empowers and transforms families by providing the knowledge and the skills to partner with schools and communities to ensure their students achieve their full potential.

What is Lesson Study?

Teachers can plan, execute, and reflect on a hybrid lesson. In a large school, they might all plan the same lesson. In a smaller school where no teachers teach the same grade/subject, they might simply use some of the same strategies for building student engagement and interaction and then reflect on the results.

Planning Guidance for Hybrid Teaching

This one-pager provides guiding questions and a quick activities checklist for districts and schools to use with teachers providing hybrid instruction (adapted by FHI 360 from An Introduction to Hybrid Teaching, College of DuPage)

Socratic Seminar

Schools have also taken advantage of small hybrid classrooms to have rich, structured discussions or debates, where students can prepare in advance while remote. Facing History and Ourselves provides guidance on Socratic Seminars.

Added to Action Planning Tool

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