Identify High Priority Content and Skills. Determine which content should be the highest priority based on what students will need to deeply know and understand to demonstrate readiness for the next grade. Student Achievement Partners (SAP) have outlined which content should be highest priority.
Using Data to Inform Instruction
Creating strategic data cycles from assessment data will support schools in optimal prioritization. Educators need diagnostic data to inform them of students’ mastery of grade-appropriate knowledge and skills. This interactive step-by-step data tool from Great Schools Partnership helps academic leaders and teachers harness data to inform instructional practices.
7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment
Creating strategic data cycles from assessment data will support schools in optimal prioritization. Educators need diagnostic data to inform them of students’ mastery of grade-appropriate knowledge and skills. Continual formative assessment will help teachers and schools assess progress towards grade level. This article from Edutopia outlines seven key formative assessment strategies that teachers can implement using templates …
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How to Select Math Intervention Content
To accelerate learning for various learning levels, scaffolds are temporary instructional supports designed to help students successfully access grade-appropriate activities just beyond their current independent ability. This Achieve the Core resource helps math teachers diagnose the root cause of grade-level challenges and design targeted scaffolds and interventions to address them.
Meeting Students’ Needs Through Scaffolding Grid
To accelerate learning for various learning levels, scaffolds are temporary instructional supports designed to help students successfully access grade-appropriate activities just beyond their current independent ability. This resource from Expeditionary Learning helps ELA teachers use front-end scaffolding (i.e., preparing students to better understand how to access complex text before they read it) and back-end scaffolding (i.e., helping …
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Assignment Review Protocols
Create a shared understanding of grade-level work is an important part of igniting learning. These assignment review protocols from TNTP, useful for PD or content meetings, share tools to help instructional leaders and teachers determine if an assignment gives students the opportunity to engage in grade-level content and can create shared understanding of grade level.
FutureEd’s Blueprint for Testing
A key to igniting learning is establishing the expectation that supports and interventions are designed to help bring students to grade-level content and skills. Assess proximity to grade level at the start of the school year and design supports and interventions accordingly. FutureEd’s Blueprint for Testing guides districts through what assessments to prioritize (page 10) and use of assessment …
Reflecting on Your System’s Starting Point: Reflection Rubric
Create a plan that focuses on accelerating students to grade level by using proven strategies to help them learn and practice the knowledge and skills that are most important for grade-level mastery is key for igniting learning. After the initial phase of vision and goal setting, this reflection rubric will help districts diagnose their current state in …
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Priority Instructional Content in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics
Determining which content should be the highest priority based on what students will need to deeply know and understand to demonstrate readiness for the next grade is an important piece of igniting learning. Student Achievement Partners (SAP) suggest prioritizing ELA and Math for all grades. Their priority instructional guides are designed to help instructional leaders find new efficiencies …
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Learning Acceleration for All: Planning for the Next Three to Five Years
Create a plan that focuses on accelerating students to grade level by using proven strategies to help them learn and practice the knowledge and skills that are most important for grade-level mastery. Schools can use this learning acceleration guide from TNTP to create their learning acceleration plan. After the initial phase of vision and goal setting, this reflection rubric will help districts …
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