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Intercultural Development Research Association
Intercultural Development Research Association Transforming education by putting children first. IDRA’s mission is to achieve equal educational opportunity for every child through strong public schools that prepare all students to access and succeed in college.
Joining Together to Create a Bold Vision for Next Generation Family Engagement
“This challenge paper starts with a brief overview of what we have learned over the past 50 years of family engagement research, practice, and policy, and a look at how this work has guided the challenge we have laid out. We go on to suggest key design principles and processes for building next generation family …
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Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success
This quick 8-page report discusses how 21st Century Community Learning Centers support family and community collaboration with school districts. This article highlights examples of effective school-community partnerships and resources that educators can use to strengthen their own partnerships. This article is an excerpt from the book, Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool …
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Massachusetts Family, School, and Community Partnership Fundamentals
The Massachusetts Family, School, and Community Partnership Fundamentals Companion Document provides several indicators for building capacity for staff with a focus on professional development. The report includes rubrics for districts to assess their progress in implementing best practices in family and community collaboration.
Memphis Lift
Memphis Lift is a grassroots organization (of parents) that facilitates parent advocacy and helps parents navigate education choices.
Overview of the Updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships
“These updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships are designed for multiple audiences, but especially: –School, district, and state education leaders who wish to ensure that their family-school partnership efforts are adequately implemented, funded, and monitored –PTA and other family and community leaders who want to know how to support and push their schools to better …
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Panorama Family-School Relationships Survey
“Research shows that when schools successfully engage families, students earn higher grades, score higher on tests, develop better social skills, and are more likely to graduate. The Family-School Relationships Survey was developed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to provide schools with a clear picture of family attitudes about several key topics.”
Parent Teacher Home Visits: Educator Resources
This online resource library, developed by the grassroots Parent Teacher Home Visits organization, offers tools for educators to lead home visits. Resources include: Home visit logs, checklists, and certificates Home visit interest survey Sample letters to send to caregivers Conversation starters Reflection tools and more!
Partnering with Students and Families
When working to improve student-centered outcomes, a critical aspect of improvement is partnering with those you seek to serve. This requires a disposition that those most affected by the system are best placed to help design and improve it. While there is a range of roles that students and families may choose to play, school …
Principal Connection / Swimming with Your Shoes On (ASCD)
This ASCD article digs into how school leaders can support educators in improving communication with caregivers and families. This article encourages educational leaders to pose the questions: “When was the last time you focused a professional development session on parent-teacher conferences? Or led teachers in reflecting on the effectiveness of their parent conferences and what they …
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