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Joining Together to Create a Bold Vision for Next Generation Family Engagement

“This challenge paper starts with a brief overview of what we have learned over the past 50 years of family engagement research, practice, and policy, and a look at how this work has guided the challenge we have laid out. We go on to suggest key design principles and processes for building next generation family and community engagement. We then describe what the idea of cocreation looks like in practice, and the multiple roles families can and do play in building equitable learning pathways for their own children and other children. This analysis is followed by a discussion of how families, schools, and community organizations are making the shift to cocreating family and community engagement, the innovations that result from this move, and the strategies being used to move away from one-off programs to more continuous engagement all along children’s learning pathways, both in and out of school.

We next suggest five “high leverage” areas to consider in building family engagement strategies—areas that research and practice demonstrate are potentially transformative in individual and structural ways. These include: attendance, data pathways, academic and social development, digital media, and transitions. We conclude with suggestions for five areas of investment in next generation family and community engagement: community initiatives, capacity building and professional development, data pathways, public policy change, and public communication and engagement strategies. Throughout the following pages, we invite the reader to offer additional areas, objectives, and ideas in order to deepen and advance the conversation.”

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  • Collaborative Leadership
  • Community building
  • Family and community collaboration
  • Family and community engagement
  • Two-way communication
  • Report (policy, research)
  • Guide
  • District
  • Principal
  • School Leader
  • Family and Community Collaboration
  • Family Engagement