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Family Engagement Playbook
“The Family Engagement Playbook is a collection of promising research-based approaches to strengthen individual competencies and organizational support for meaningful family engagement.”
Family Engagement Tool (Flamboyan Foundation)
Use the Flamboyan Foundation Family Engagement Tool to assess your outcomes and practices. Consider this as a starting place for determining where your district should consider adding new practices in conjunction with other practitioners.
Family Friendly Website Checklist
“This checklist is designed to aid schools in updating and creating professional school websites to meet student, family and community needs, while addressing ADA accessibly standards.”
Family Leadership Design Collaborative
Dr. Ishimaru’s scholarship focuses on the intersection of leadership, school-community relationships, and educational equity in P-12 systems. Her work focuses on improving educational leadership – both formal and family/community – to create equitable educational environments, with a particular focus on students, families, and communities who have been historically marginalized in education. Dr. Ishimaru engages in …
Family Satisfaction Survey
Download this template from You for Youth to assess family satisfaction with engagement activities. While this survey focuses on family-school partnerships related to 21st Century Community Learning Centers, it offers a great template for creating surveys about family and community collaboration more broadly.
Family-School Relationships Survey
Why Do Family-School Relationships Matter? Schools that effectively engage families find that their students earn higher grades, score higher on test, develop better social skills, and are more likely to graduate. How Can Schools Measure Family-School Relationships? By asking parents and guardians to provide feedback through surveys, schools and districts can gather actionable data and …
Family, School, and Community Partnerships P-12 Framework: User’s Guide
“The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) rubric about Family, School, and Community Partnership (FSCP) was developed in order to provide schools an image of what effective and high-impact work in this area looks like. Additionally, the rubric is intended to provide a scheme presenting a developmental continuum on which schools and programs can identify their …
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Forward Together: Building a Field that Works for Families.
The coronavirus pandemic revealed the necessity, the complexity, and the tremendous value of building strong ties between schools and families. To ensure continuity of learning, schools were forced to rely heavily on families and caregivers to support learning in the home.
Fostering Family Engagement through Shared Leadership in The District, Schools, and Community
In this ethnographic case study, Ann M. Ishimaru examines how a collaboration emerged and evolved between a low-income Latino parent organizing group and the leadership of a rapidly changing school district. Using civic capacity and community organizing theories, Ishimaru seeks to understand the role of parents, goals, strategies, and change processes that characterize a school …
Identifying Barriers: Creating Solutions to Improve Family Engagement
“This project began with a forthright question. Amidst racism, historical trauma, poverty, unstable neighborhoods, and systemic inequities in education, what will it take for nondominant students, families, and their communities to thrive? he Family Leadership Design Collaborative (FLDC) is a national network of scholars, practitioners, and family and community leaders who seek to center racial …
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