SPOTLIGHT FROM THE FIELD: Durham Public School District

This spotlight shows one school district’s actions in these areas, exploring first steps, successes, and challenges. We hope this example helps other districts and states develop their own vision for advancing climate change education and prepare their students for a more sustainable future.

District Profile: Cleveland Heights-University Heights District

This profile describes Cleveland Heights-University Heights (CH-UH) City School District’s innovative and successful approaches to promoting authentic family and community collaboration (FCC). It explores challenges to CH-UH’s efforts to demonstrate a district-wide commitment to FCC and collaboratively make decisions with families and community members.

District Profile: Tuscaloosa City Schools

This profile describes Tuscaloosa City School’s innovative and successful approaches to promoting authentic family and community collaboration (FCC). It delves into Tuscaloosa’s efforts to overcome challenges related to building trust with families and creating staff capacity to maintain strong relationships.

Family Engagement Playbook

“The Family Engagement Playbook is a collection of promising research-based approaches to strengthen individual competencies and organizational support for meaningful family engagement.”

Massachusetts Family, School, and Community Partnership Fundamentals

The Massachusetts Family, School, and Community Partnership Fundamentals Companion Document provides several indicators for building capacity for staff with a focus on professional development. The report includes rubrics for districts to assess their progress in implementing best practices in family and community collaboration. 

Family Engagement Tool (Flamboyan Foundation)

Use the Flamboyan Foundation Family Engagement Tool to assess your outcomes and practices. Consider this as a starting place for determining where your district should consider adding new practices in conjunction with other practitioners. 

Charting a Course to Equitable Collaboration: Learning from Parent Engagement Initiatives in the Road Map Project

“This multiple case study report represents the culmination of over a year of research by the University of Washington’s (UW) Equitable Parent-School Collaboration Research Project. The project sought to understand, document, and support promising district and neighborhood-based parent engagement efforts and indicators aimed at improving student outcomes and success within the context of a regional …

Equity in Family Engagement Toolkit

“Based on a Parent University collaboration with Academy of Music Production Education and Development (AMPED), Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), and the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), stakeholders produced this Equity in Family Engagement Toolkit to support educators as they engage with families toward student learning and achievement. Captured throughout 12 meetings, family voice …

Added to Action Planning Tool

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