This toolkit was designed by youth leaders in New Orleans, LA, to present actionable strategies for organizations to elevate youth voices. The toolkit includes an organizational assessment tool, scorecard, and action template for organizations and districts to understand their own progress toward elevating youth voices and make a plan to improve.
MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery (Michigan)
The MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery is designed to support local education leaders in developing and implementing a comprehensive recovery plan that is multi-year, evidence-based, and equity-driven. Specifically, it will provide a foundation to support in key activities over the next six to eighteen months. This can serve as a template for other States …
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Reflecting on Your System’s Starting Point: Reflection Rubric
Create a plan that focuses on accelerating students to grade level by using proven strategies to help them learn and practice the knowledge and skills that are most important for grade-level mastery is key for igniting learning. After the initial phase of vision and goal setting, this reflection rubric will help districts diagnose their current state in …
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Three lessons learned from the pandemic about professional learning
Lessons emphasize the importance of tying professional learning directly to timely student needs; providing space and time for learning that teachers need and want; and creating different designs for learning.
3 Ways Administrators Can Nurture Teacher Growth
Adults thrive in work environments characterized by autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This article explains how administrators can cultivate those qualities in their schools.
In-Person Activities to Distance Learning Activities
An article on how “many of the strategies educators and leaders use during in-person settings can also be used in the distance learning environment — they just look a bit different.”
Professional Development Survey for Educators and School Leaders
An easy to adapt form for staff to complete after a PD activity.
Professional development survey template
A ready-to-go survey template has 5 questions and takes 1 minute to complete.
Professional Development Vision, Mission, and Commitments
A sample PD vision statement that emphasizes continuous professional growth.
K-12 Professional Development Philosophy and Goals
A sample statement of PD philosophy and goals focused on student needs and supporting teacher development.