Collaborating to transform and improve education systems: A playbook for family-school engagement. Brookings Institution.

This playbook on family-school collaboration makes the case for why family engagement is essential for education systems transformation and why families and schools must have a shared understanding of what a good quality education looks like. By providing evidence-based strategies from around the world and other hands-on tools that school leaders and partners can adopt …

A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family–School Partnerships

Based on existing research and best practices, the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2) is designed to support the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs. It is not a blueprint for engagement initiatives, which must be designed to fit the particular contexts in which they are carried out. Instead, the Framework …

Family Leadership Design Collaborative

Dr. Ishimaru’s scholarship focuses on the intersection of leadership, school-community relationships, and educational equity in P-12 systems. Her work focuses on improving educational leadership – both formal and family/community – to create equitable educational environments, with a particular focus on students, families, and communities who have been historically marginalized in education. Dr. Ishimaru engages in …

 CASEL: Classroom Shared Agreements

Use these  Classroom Shared Agreements (and other lesson plans) from CASEL to create time to build the relationships that encourages learners to feel a sense of community- that they are “in this together”.

Every Day Count Family Engagement Attendance Presentation

Creating a culture that values good attendance is important and consistency is a key part of that. Communication about this important issue must be ongoing. This presentation shares both a sample family event calendar and communication calendar on pages 16-17 with suggestions for each month to help you map out your year of attendance outreach.

MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery (Michigan)

The MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery is designed to support local education leaders in developing and implementing a comprehensive recovery plan that is multi-year, evidence-based, and equity-driven. Specifically, it will provide a foundation to support in key activities over the next six to eighteen months.  This can serve as a template for other States …

Toolkit of Resources for Engaging Families and the Community as Partners in Education

To be effective, communication must go beyond simply translating newsletters and e-blasts into a variety of languages. It is critical to consider the education and reading level of families, the delivery method, access to technology, culturally responsive language and representation in the messages themselves. Download this tool from Institute of Education Sciences and REL to help  build a cultural …

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