When working to improve human-centered outcomes like those in education and healthcare, a critical aspect of improvement is partnership with those who are most impacted by the system. While there is a range of roles that students and families may choose to play, schools should strive to create the conditions for authentic partnership. Intentionally building …
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When working to improve student-centered outcomes, a critical aspect of improvement is partnering with those you seek to serve. This requires a disposition that those most affected by the system are best placed to help design and improve it. While there is a range of roles that students and families may choose to play, school …
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In this ethnographic case study, Ann M. Ishimaru examines how a collaboration emerged and evolved between a low-income Latino parent organizing group and the leadership of a rapidly changing school district. Using civic capacity and community organizing theories, Ishimaru seeks to understand the role of parents, goals, strategies, and change processes that characterize a school …
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Students do better in school and in life when their families are engaged. A strong body of evidence is clear that family engagement, from birth through adolescence, contributes to a range of positive student outcomes.
About Family Engagement Lab Families rely on educators to communicate what their children are learning and how families can help at home. This necessary communication from teachers to families is often inadequate due to racial and cultural biases, in addition to language barriers. School systems need the tools and support to effectively engage families in …
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National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement. OUR MISSION: Advancing high-impact policies and practices for family, school, and community engagement to promote child development and improve student achievement.
Imagine this: A community comes together to set a vision for its public schools. In local libraries, neighborhood associations, school cafeterias, and places of worship, families sit down together and share their hopes and dreams for their children. They think about what schools need to do to better equip students for college, career, entrepreneurship, and …
Continue reading “Walking Together: A Practical Guide for Strengthening Partnerships Between Schools, Families, and Communities.”
This toolkit was designed by youth leaders in New Orleans, LA, to present actionable strategies for organizations to elevate youth voices. The toolkit includes an organizational assessment tool, scorecard, and action template for organizations and districts to understand their own progress toward elevating youth voices and make a plan to improve.
Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) engages, empowers and transforms families by providing the knowledge and the skills to partner with schools and communities to ensure their students achieve their full potential.
A simple Excel document that helps educators reflect on their efforts to build trusting relationships and meaningful partnerships with families through ongoing communication.