Christensen Institute’s Blended Learning Universe is a website dedicated to helping classroom, school, and district practitioners. It includes: Seven models that range from “Station Rotation” to “Enriched Virtual.” Design help for developing blended learning approaches and strategies for implementation.
The Concurrent Classroom: Using Blended Learning Models to Teach Students In-person and Online Simultaneously
In this hybrid or remote version of Station Rotation, students can either physically move or stay in place as they progress through a series of learning activities at a teacher-led station, an online station, and an offline station (Dr. Catlin Tucker).
4 Fast Debate Formats for the Secondary Classroom
ThoughtCo has four different debate structures that teachers can use in hybrid classrooms.
Socratic Seminar
Schools have also taken advantage of small hybrid classrooms to have rich, structured discussions or debates, where students can prepare in advance while remote. Facing History and Ourselves provides guidance on Socratic Seminars.
Beginner’s Guide to Flipped Classroom
Using a flipped classroom approach can provide a structure for students to work independently while remote and collaboratively when in school. Schoology offers a Beginner’s Guide to Flipped Classroom.
Distance and Hybrid Learning Principles
Teaching Lab’s “Distance and Hybrid Learning Principles” is a guide that helps educators plan to deliver instruction in fully remote or hybrid learning contexts.
Remote Hybrid Planning Template
This template can help teachers modify their lessons for remote, hybrid, or in-person instruction.
Student Engagement Tracker
A school in California built this student engagement tracker that made it easier for teachers to fulfill the district’s requirement to log student engagement. Schools can save a copy on their own drive and customize it to their needs. While this tracker is specific to engagement, districts can use it as a model for simplifying …
Designing an Advisory System
Springpoint provides five case studies to highlight different ways advisory can be structured and run in a school. The case studies are all pre-pandemic but will help schools that don’t have advisory as they think about various models.
Back to school: A framework for remote and hybrid learning amid COVID-19
Back to school: A framework for remote and hybrid learning amid COVID-19 provides a useful summary (Exhibit 5) on the “teaching value chain” to help guide hybrid learning models.