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Walking Together: A Practical Guide for Strengthening Partnerships Between Schools, Families, and Communities.
Imagine this: A community comes together to set a vision for its public schools. In local libraries, neighborhood associations, school cafeterias, and places of worship, families sit down together and share their hopes and dreams for their children. They think about what schools need to do to better equip students for college, career, entrepreneurship, and …
Wallace Foundation Tip Sheet: Selecting and Modifying Summer Curricula
Share this Tip Sheet by the Wallace Foundation with summer program leaders for guidance about selecting and/or modifying program curriculum. Guiding questions ground a curriculum search in the goals, structure, and resources of the program and the capabilities and professional development needs of staff.
Wallace Foundation: Summer Learning Recruitment Guide
Research shows that students with high attendance during summer learning experience higher learning outcomes in math and ELA, but getting kids to sign up for voluntary summer learning programs isn’t easy. Launch a summer learning district-focused recruitment effort with the Summer Learning Recruitment Guide from the Wallace Foundation.
Wallace Summer Learning Toolkit
Students who attend at least 20 days of summer learning experience academic benefits. Develop effective recruitment materials and attendance systems with the Wallace Summer Learning Toolkit to ensure that students benefit.
Download the Wallace Foundation’s Promoting Participation and Experience tip sheet, which offers suggestions on page 5 for planning, staff training, and observation and feedback designed to create a positive site climate.
What is Lesson Study?
Teachers can plan, execute, and reflect on a hybrid lesson. In a large school, they might all plan the same lesson. In a smaller school where no teachers teach the same grade/subject, they might simply use some of the same strategies for building student engagement and interaction and then reflect on the results.
Why High School SEL Programs Feel ‘Lame’ – And How to Fix Them
This Education Week article on Why High School SEL Programs Feel ‘Lame’ – And How to Fix Them provides 5 recommendations for fostering student relationships, including integrating SEL across the curriculum, aiming for coherence across schools and districts, and exploring peer mentoring programs.
Why Schools Need to Normalize and Prioritize Students’ Mental Health
Read and share Why Schools Need to Normalize and Prioritize Students’ Mental Health, an article from Teach for America, for insights into mental health for students from low-income households and guidance on how educational leaders can better address their needs at the school and district level.
Yale’s Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning: Student Construction of Knowledge
Yale’s Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning provides actionable ideas for helping students to learn by connecting new knowledge with prior knowledge and concepts in order to construct new meanings.
Your Questions About Hybrid Teaching Answered
Teaching-and-learning experts give you insights on what works in the classroom.
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