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Mindset Scholars Network
A resource for reliable, research-based information about learning mindsets, including: Growth Mindset, Belonging, and Purpose & Relevance.
My Feelings Reflection
A ready-to-use Google form for students to record daily reflections each week.
National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement. OUR MISSION: Advancing high-impact policies and practices for family, school, and community engagement to promote child development and improve student achievement.
National Student Clearinghouse: COVID-19 Special Analysis Update
This National College Progression Rates Report provides new fall 2020 college enrollment rate estimates for recent high school graduates. Their preliminary results published in December 2020 have been updated with the addition of approximately 50 percent more data from high schools and colleges in this report.
National Survey Tracks Impact of Coronavirus on Schools: 10 Key Findings
10 key findings that include “Up to 1 in 3 students from the poorest communities had not checked in with their schools via online learning platforms as of April 2020.”
Navigating Uncertain Times: How Schools Can Cope With Coronavirus
To help you navigate these uncertain times and figure out what might work best for your community, EdSurge (and ISTE, its parent organization) is collecting news, resources and expert advice to help educators and school leaders make informed decisions.
NCAN Resources: High Schools Can Change Students’ Postsecondary Pathways
Ready to Create, Change, or Improve a District or School’s Postsecondary Practices? This site offers many resources and supports to get you started. It also reviews Key Approaches for Supporting Postsecondary Transitions including; Transforming Postsecondary Advising Using Data to Educate Students and Inform Services Increasing FAFSA Completion Reducing Summer Melt and Ensuring Matriculation
Network for College Success: Freshman Success Framework
Use this Freshman Success Framework from the Network for College Success at the University of Chicago to form your team and develop successful practices to help freshmen succeed.
New York State: Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has their Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-SE) framework, intended to help all stakeholders incorporate four high leverage CR-SE strategies. School leaders should reference page 34 for inclusive curriculum guidelines. District leaders should reference page 39 for inclusive curriculum guidelines.
NIET: Summer Learning Planning Guide
The National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) has a Summer Learning Planning Guide that helps educators prepare to work with students and families/caregivers. See page 9 for a breakdown of communications considerations by stakeholder groups (i.e., teachers, families, students).
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