Start this presentation at approximately 14 minutes and follow along on slides 19-23 as RAND’s Jennifer McCombs describes barriers to teacher recruitment, mitigation strategies, and how to retain high-impact staff.
Video: Teaching Staff Weekly Circles
Watch this five-minute Weekly Circles video to help you create an effective Community Circles practice for your teaching staff.
Video: Weekly Circles, Building Community to Foster Academic Achievement
Implement a Weekly Circles model to build and strengthen relationships between students. Watch this 5-minute Weekly Circles video from Edutopia to help you create an effective practice for your school(s).
Attendance Letters
Here’s a quick video from Skyward that can help an attendance aid generate letters to families, though the best results come from more personalized efforts.
Video: Building a Belonging Classroom
An Edutopia video on Building a Belonging Classroom. “In order to learn, students need to feel safe, cared for, and emotionally connected to their teachers and each other. #HowLearningHappens”
6 Ways to be an Antiracist Educator
A video of educator Dena Simmons on engaging in antiracist work in the classroom.
Classroom video library
The library includes video modules with lesson plans and teacher reflections.
Is My Voice Heard? Does My Voice Matter?
A video on why it is important for students and educators to feel seen and heard in education and on what we know from research and practice about changing curriculum, pedagogy, educator experience, and structures in K-16.