An engaging power point presentation with research and resources on student engagement and the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Education and Career Plan (ECP) template and guides
Students who create a plan during high school that they update and revise year-to-year with guidance from caring, knowledgeable adults are both better prepared for life after high school and more aware of how their educational and career plans are interconnected. When students know what courses and activities align to their interests and goals for …
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SEL Priority Setting Questionnaire
A tool to get a quick snapshot of your district’s current approach to SEL and identify which key activities to focus on.
The Science of Keeping Kids Engaged—Even From Home
An article that provides ready-to-use choice activities such as, giving students the choice to share their work in the form of a podcast, children’s book, 2- to 3-minute video, art installation, or paper.
Fishbowl: Community Inquiry
A guide to using the fishbowl strategy for organizing medium- to large-group discussions.
Relevance Matrix
A matrix to help teachers think more critically about ways to engage students with content.
Teachers Fold Wildfires and Other Crises Into Lesson Plans
A 7-minute interview with two teachers about bringing current events, including wildfires, protests and the coronavirus, into their teaching.
3 Participation Strategies for Live Video Instruction
Offers how-to strategies on: getting student input using polls; using the chat function to ask compelling questions; and prompting discussions with word clouds.