This Edutopia article provides four assessment strategies that can help maximize teachers’ in-person time and promote rich, engaging assessment: • One-on-one conferences • Higher-order thinking assignments • Digital quizzes (Common Sense Education has a “best of” list) • Digital writing discussions
Formatively Assess Students
Included in a website called Teaching with Technology “How do I….?” This section provides digital tools for formative assessment.
Make Formative Assessment More Student-Centered
A website with cheat sheets, video tutorials, apps and websites.
Formative Assessment in Distance Learning
An article that highlights formative resources including: 24 Digital Tools for Formative Assessment (Global Online Academy) and Clear feedback rules (video from High Tech High)
ATLAS: Learning From Student Work protocol
This protocol helps teachers focus on student learning collaboratively by looking at student work samples. Using a protocol like this can help shift teacher conversation back to student learning in a moment where they are thinking about countless logistics.