This toolkit was designed by youth leaders in New Orleans, LA, to present actionable strategies for organizations to elevate youth voices. The toolkit includes an organizational assessment tool, scorecard, and action template for organizations and districts to understand their own progress toward elevating youth voices and make a plan to improve.
Supporting Children’s Mental Health: Tips for Parents and Educators
A website with a list of practical tips.
Supporting Young People in the Wake of Violence and Trauma
A guide that helps adults build relationships with youth that affirm their experiences and cultivate safety after violence or trauma.
Common Trauma Symptoms in Students
A handout that provides educators with tools and strategies to identify and support students who may be experiencing traumatic stress.
Trauma-Sensitive School Checklist
A checklist to create or refresh a trauma-informed action plan with five key components: School-wide policies and practices; Classroom strategies and techniques; Collaborations and linkages to mental health resources; Family partnerships and Community Linkages.
Trauma-informed practices
Use the reflection questions and list in this article to inform your district or school’s selection of trauma-informed practices. For example: begin class time with a social ritual; introduce a short “mental stretch” break during class; offer monitored hangout time before class starts; and create small groups that meet socially.