Districts and schools can use the Student Tracker for High Schools from the Student Clearing House to track their students’ data in a large national database. Data is pulled from 97% of public and private institutions and includes two-year/four-year, graduate, public/private, trade, vocational, and others. This is a subscription-based service. Download a sample report to see how you might apply the data in …
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The College Cash Campaign, which will provide the resources necessary to support high schools working to prioritize FAFSA completion. The goal of the College Cash Campaign is to increase Michigan’s FAFSA completion rate to 75%. This site also links to the Affordability Tracker, which provides accessible data for schools to better understand their current FAFSA …
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This National College Attainment Network article outlines the effective use of OneGoal’s Postsecondary Readiness Interactive Rubrics.
The #FormYourFuture FAFSA Tracker is an interactive data dashboard that tracks and ranks states’ progress toward 100% of their high school seniors completing the FAFSA and measures change year over year. The tracker shows weekly progress and allows for year-to-year comparisons at the national, state, city, school district, and school levels.
For evidence based SEL supports appropriate for both district and school leaders, download this guide by the Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety at WestEd. It provides resources that are fully integrated into the educational experiences of students, families, staff and the community.
Many families have experienced significant income changes in the pandemic, and this tool helps families appeal financial aid packages.
Share this resource with schools that will calculate post-secondary costs and compare financial aid resources, demystifying often-confusing financial aid awards.
Publicly sharing data about completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will help schools and districts rally around a goal. Track FAFSA completion rates for your district or school with this dashboard from Forum Your Future and see year over year comparisons.
Another way to increase student autonomy and decrease the workload of counselors is this college match tool from Cappex that helps students explore match and fit. Counselor resources from College Greenlight are specifically geared towards supporting traditionally underrepresented students.
Consider investing in a college and career data base, such as Overgrad’s college and career site to help students and families see admissibility as well as graduation rates and financial fit based on their profile. Teachers can support students in younger grades to create a profile and build their student friendly list that shows important …
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