A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family–School Partnerships

Based on existing research and best practices, the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2) is designed to support the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs. It is not a blueprint for engagement initiatives, which must be designed to fit the particular contexts in which they are carried out. Instead, the Framework …

NSLA: Summer Learning Week Outreach Toolkit

In 2020, the National Summer Learning Association (NLSA) developed a National Summer Learning Week Toolkit to increase participation in and support for summer learning programs. These include letters and social media campaigns. Review the toolkit for key messages, calls to action for community partners, stakeholders, and templates that you can use to tailor communications for your district. 

MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery (Michigan)

The MI Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery is designed to support local education leaders in developing and implementing a comprehensive recovery plan that is multi-year, evidence-based, and equity-driven. Specifically, it will provide a foundation to support in key activities over the next six to eighteen months.  This can serve as a template for other States …

The COVID-19: Resilient Educator Toolkit

Share The COVID-19: Resilient Educator Toolkit from Resilient Educator with teachers and staff. The toolkit equips teachers with actionable strategies and advice to use immediately for themselves and in working with and supporting children, parents and families during these difficult times

Oregon Gear Up Toolkit

Have schools plan one CCR event per grade level a year. A good place to start is this parent engagement toolkit from Oregon Gear Up that includes helpful tips for authentic partnership. These family workshop power points and agendas are easy to download and customize for your school or district Broadly sharing postsecondary family tools …

Postsecondary Planning Milestones Toolkit

NYC Department of Education’s Postsecondary Planning Milestones Toolkit provides effective and actionable strategies. One is a 9-12 interactive postsecondary planning checklist that has lesson plans for teachers and advisors and helps students and families make meaningful traction towards postsecondary milestones.

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