This National College Progression Rates Report provides new fall 2020 college enrollment rate estimates for recent high school graduates. Their preliminary results published in December 2020 have been updated with the addition of approximately 50 percent more data from high schools and colleges in this report.
6 considerations for MTSS in a pandemic
Read 6 considerations for MTSS in a pandemic to hear a middle school coordinator’s perspective for multi-tiered systems of support during a pandemic. It includes a discussion about ensuing Tier 1 supports are not overlooked to focus on individualized supports.
Sharing good practice: Strategies to encourage teacher collaboration
Read this article to learn about strategies to build a culture of teacher collaboration in your school and/or district and actions teacher teams can take to enhance student learning and supports.
Middle School Matters: A Guide for Georgia Schools on Middle School Transition
Review the “Middle School Matters: A Guide for Georgia Schools on Middle School Transition” toolkit that is intended to help educators, families and students understand the process of transitioning to middle school.
Ensuring Successful Student Transitions from the Middle Grades to High School
Review this resource for District and State level leaders: Ensuring Successful Student Transitions from the Middle Grades to High School. It outlines research on the importance and impact the 9th grade year can have on a student HS graduation possibilities as well as how states can strategically fund programs and services to help make the transition supportive for …
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Attendance Works: A District Transitions Planning Guide
Look at this District’s Transition Planning Guide that is designed to assist district leaders in working with district and school teams to create a data-informed transition plan for the return to in-person learning. This planning guide puts students and families at the center, especially those who have lost out on learning due to Covid-19.
Network for College Success: Freshman Success Framework
Use this Freshman Success Framework from the Network for College Success at the University of Chicago to form your team and develop successful practices to help freshmen succeed.