Download this template from You for Youth to assess family satisfaction with engagement activities. While this survey focuses on family-school partnerships related to 21st Century Community Learning Centers, it offers a great template for creating surveys about family and community collaboration more broadly.
Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success
This quick 8-page report discusses how 21st Century Community Learning Centers support family and community collaboration with school districts. This article highlights examples of effective school-community partnerships and resources that educators can use to strengthen their own partnerships. This article is an excerpt from the book, Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool …
Continue reading “Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success”
Overview of Summer Acceleration Academies
Washington, DC Public Schools host Summer Acceleration Academies that are designed to serve a select group of students at each school (approximately 10 to 35 percent) who require more focused support that provide both social emotional development and academic acceleration ahead of next school year.
TNTP Accelerate don’t Remediate
Review this report by Zearn, especially the case study on pages 8-10 describing remediation versus acceleration.
The Wallace Foundation’s Summer Learning Toolkit includes the Planning High-Quality Professional Development tip sheet, which offers guidance on maximizing professional development time and resources.
Summer Program Planning Tools: Part 1–Getting to Work on Summer Learning & Summer Learning Toolkit
Start this presentation at approximately 14 minutes and follow along on slides 19-23 as RAND’s Jennifer McCombs describes barriers to teacher recruitment, mitigation strategies, and how to retain high-impact staff.
Culturally Affirming and Sustaining Practices, Summer Learning
Visit Turnaround for Children’s Culturally Affirming and Sustaining Practices sub-page and download the Curriculum Audit, which helps educators consider the extent to which curricula and related materials are culturally responsive. The audit includes reflection questions related to cultural knowledge, representation, skills development, and co-creation of learning experiences.
Summer Learning and Beyond Opportunities for Creating Equity
Review the Introduction to Learning Policy Institute’s Summer Learning and Beyond report, which introduces six design principles for promoting equity in summer learning programs. Dive deeper into any of the six principles for an overview, key ideas and practices arising from the principle, and additional resources. Or, see page 16 for a case study detailing how a district in California is putting the principles into action.
How to Take a “Both And” Approach to SEL and Academics This Summer
Check out this article from about how to integrate SEL and academic content into summer learning programs. Suggestions include promoting student voice and choice – for instance, by seeking student input on learning goals or prioritizing project-based learning – as well as using trauma-informed instructional techniques and incorporating SEL objectives for class units.
Download the Wallace Foundation’s Promoting Participation and Experience tip sheet, which offers suggestions on page 5 for planning, staff training, and observation and feedback designed to create a positive site climate.