Schools have also taken advantage of small hybrid classrooms to have rich, structured discussions or debates, where students can prepare in advance while remote. Facing History and Ourselves provides guidance on Socratic Seminars.
Youth Financial Literacy classroom activities
CFPB has a searchable database of activities to help educators nurture financial capability across the curriculum. The classroom activities come with a digital teacher guide and supporting student material, so it’s easy to implement during hybrid and remote learning.
Education and Career Plan (ECP) template and guides
Students who create a plan during high school that they update and revise year-to-year with guidance from caring, knowledgeable adults are both better prepared for life after high school and more aware of how their educational and career plans are interconnected. When students know what courses and activities align to their interests and goals for …
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The Necessity of Having High Expectations
An article providing key reflective questions about rigor including–Are we giving accommodations in students’ zone of proximal development or their comfort zone? Do our accommodations empower students to access more content and higher-level thinking or do they remove learning opportunities? Are scaffolds gradually removed as kids approach independence or do the scaffolds anchor them in …
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