Download the IGNITE Peer Mentoring Guide and see pages 2-5 to learn about a model for supporting first-year students and developing leadership and empathy skills for older youth.
Why High School SEL Programs Feel ‘Lame’ – And How to Fix Them
This Education Week article on Why High School SEL Programs Feel ‘Lame’ – And How to Fix Them provides 5 recommendations for fostering student relationships, including integrating SEL across the curriculum, aiming for coherence across schools and districts, and exploring peer mentoring programs.
After the Last Bell The Multiple Roles of Principals in School-based Afterschool Programs
After the last bell The Multiple Roles of Principals in School-based Afterschool Programs by Lanya Samuelson is a great resource to share with the principals in your district. The article clearly lays out the role of a principal in successful OST programs and provides a useful graphic on page 8.
The Value of Out-of-School Time Programs
For perspectives on the multiple benefits of Out of School (OST) time programs for both students and families, download The Value of Out-of-School Time Programs (OST) from the Wallace Foundation. Check out pages 6 – 10 for information linking OST program content to primary and secondary student outcomes.
Peace Learning Center: Introduction to Restorative Practices
Download Introduction to Restorative Practices from Peace Learning Center for additional insights into the benefits of circles and the need for Principal and administration vision, staff buy in and professional development to support the effort.
Video: Weekly Circles, Building Community to Foster Academic Achievement
Implement a Weekly Circles model to build and strengthen relationships between students. Watch this 5-minute Weekly Circles video from Edutopia to help you create an effective practice for your school(s).