The handbook has various SEL-focused openers and closers (Slides 13-15) that teachers can use in remote or hybrid instruction. It also includes templates and strategies for planning for asynchronous and synchronous instruction.
District Administration
A webpage that maintains an updated list of free K-12 resources during the coronavirus pandemic, primarily focused on curriculum and instruction.
Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance
Virtual Arkansas Public Teacher Gateway, which includes support for administrators.
Google for Education webinars
A free two-part webinar series for education leaders: Distance Learning Strategies for Education Leaders, Part 1 and Distance Learning Strategies for Education Leaders, Part 2
Tips for giving direct instruction to small groups
An article with tips for whether students are in the classroom or learning at home.
Teaching Strategies of Award-Winning Online Instructors
An article that makes the case and shares tips for supporting teachers to use a variety of formats–video, audio, reading, and interactive content—to make classes more accessible and engaging.
Virtual Classroom Walkthroughs Practical Look-Fors for Online Classrooms
Virtual walkthroughs can provide clear, actionable feedback about how professional learning efforts are translating into practice. This booklet provides an overview of the methodology and a table of practical “look-fors.”
4 Guiding Questions for Effective Remote Collaboration
An article that provides questions to address that will help teams ensure that they’re doing their best work.