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Postsecondary Pandemic Survey

The purpose of the Postsecondary Pandemic Survey for current 12th grade students, and a newly developed parent survey, are aimed at assessing the degree to which the pandemic is impacting students’ postsecondary plans ranging from career/college exposure, college/financial aid applications, and postsecondary decisions and 2) translate data into practical applications for school counselors and programs to adapt college/career advising in a post-COVID environment. Parent data will be used to inform the process of influential decision-making for students and inform counseling practices for communicating with families.

The student and parent survey will be administered beginning October 15, 2021 through December 15, 2021. Data collected will be anonymous and facilitated online. All data collected are aggregated within a national dataset addressing COVID-melt, and if at least 500 students or parents/guardians complete the survey we will be able to provide a Qualtrics report on the district specific results.

If your district or high school is interested in administering the student and/or parent survey please provide your information, and a member of the CEPA team will follow up.

  • College and Career Readiness
  • Survey
  • Educator
  • Principal
  • School Leader
  • The Comeback
  • College & Career Readiness