National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement. OUR MISSION: Advancing high-impact policies and practices for family, school, and community engagement to promote child development and improve student achievement.
Distance Learning with Common Sense
These webinar sessions are engaging, virtual opportunities to explore strategies and best practices while connecting with other educators from across the nation—all from the convenience of home! Free and open to all educators, you can watch the webinars live or recorded on YouTube. (For those watching live, each session will be a 30-minute video conference …
Plan Do Study Act template
Institute for Learning (IFL) with researchers at the Learning Research and Development Center are utilizing network models and Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles to accelerate improvement. By employing improvement science methods, we can ensure that the research-based practice improvements that we introduce into schools and systems are implemented in ways that lead to sustained and measurable gains in …
Building Equitable Learning Environments (BELE) Network
BELE focuses on expanding high-quality learning opportunities for students who have been historically underserved. Educators, administrators, policymakers can register to join.
SEL Educators Unite! Supportive Online Communities of Practice
The webinar covers how educators are using digital communities to support each other professionally, socially, and personally during the COVID-19 crisis and examples of powerful communities of practice and how they leverage the collective efficacy of thousands of dedicated professionals to both provide quick access to expert support and advocate for support and resources.